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The Story Fixer
The Story Fixer
Creating compelling stories to build business
Why do you need me?
Why do you need me?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if....
- Customers came knocking on your door?
- They already understood your technology?
- They understood how your technology compares to what they are using?
- They understand how much better yours is?
- They realised that you could save them money?
- They realised that your technology helps them make better products…
Tell a story - tell the world
Tell a story - tell the world
- Story telling has much greater impact than advertising (~10x more) – information is coming as editorial from a trusted third party, i.e. a journalist
- One story can reach thousands of potential customers around the world at once
- A good story spreads quickly in today’s web-connected world – spreading rapidly under its own steam
- Cost effective way to communicate to the world – advertising would be prohibitive
- Ongoing communication ensures growing awareness
RESULT - TRUST builds with customers, potential
customers and investors
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